Neighborhood Loppemarked!

It feels like it’s been ages and ages (In actuality only about 3 weeks) since I wrote and published a blog post. However, I’ve been taking pictures and THINKING CONSTANTLY about what I’m going to write, all the exciting (to me at least, still not sure it’s so exciting to others) things I’m going to share, fun pictures I’m going to post. But then, I hop on my awesome (2nd hand) road bike for a 30 mile bike ride, or I stroll around Copenhagen (gotta get my 10,000 steps in), or go grocery shopping (multiple trips per day required due to limitations of grocery shopping by bike), or meet a friend for coffee. There are also cute cat/animal videos ya’ll keep posting on FB. Or hilarious twitter hashtags trending: #RevolutionaryWarAirports, #30to50feralhogs to name a couple of the funniest. Then 8pm (my bed and reading time) rolls around and lo and behold another day has passed and no blog post…

But today, I’m just going to write something. My plan this coming week, of course, is to post daily and catch up with sharing all the things we’ve been up to. Unless, the weather is decent (above 10C and not pouring), I commit to being a Boy Scout mom, and soccer team parent liaison. In all cases, chances of following through with catching up on blog posts is reduced by approximately 90%.

Yesterday (Saturday) was a clear and beautiful beautiful day in Copenhagen. Very few clouds, zero bursts of rain the whole day. I have yet to find a weather app/weather station that can give me an accurate forecast but all last week it was cloudy and would randomly rain (pour) every hour or so. I’m almost to the point of giving up trying to plan my outings or bike rides around the weather. But not quite. But anyhow, yesterday was beautiful.

I was trying to figure out what we could do and then MBH had the brilliant suggestion of going out in search of flea markets (Loppemarked – super popular in Copenhagen and all over the place). The oldest especially, loves them (her allowance money only goes so far for new purchases) and of course, given my (probably a bit unhealthy) obsession with reducing consumption and living sustainably and climate change, I love them too. I know there’s thing about going into Target or Costco or Wegmans or *insert name of store here* for $15 worth of stuff and leaving with $250 worth of stuff. I walk into those stores and kind of cringe, buy what I went there for and leave as quickly as possible. But 2nd hand stores/flea markets are a whole different ballgame…My oldest also tells me you can really only find out about them in Copenhagen if you’re connected to the right people on FB.

But, I did a quick google search and learned that googling “Fleamarket” is quite productive. I found this page and decided to check out the Frederiksberg Loppemarked. So, I googled the route to get there, checked, re-checked, and checked Then checked again. Then I repeated this process with AccuWeather and Weather Underground and Yr.No. It all looked good. Then we planned out the bags and bikes and racks we needed to have so we could haul any purchases back. Rechecked to make sure the market was going to be open. Did some research into what we might explore in the neighborhood around the market. And so on and so forth. The rabbit hole of google for such an excursion here can go very very very deep.

And THEN, after ALL this planning and google research and (99% of the time, useless) weather page monitoring (but thankfully not yesterday!) , we walked right outside our front door and turns out our whole neighborhood was a loppemarked. I’m sure it was posted on the neighborhood FB page, but it’s all in Danish so I don’t pay attention (clearly I should, and just use the brilliant google translate app with the camera).

Here are some of the things we acquired.

Black purse for the youngest. Easier and lighter to UWB (Use While Biking) than her backpack. Especially her, she travels light, everywhere. In fact, last week, she went on a 4 day overnight field trip with the 7th grade at CIS and packed a small duffle, and her backpack. She had to bike it all to school so she could only take what she could carry (and what could be waterproofed. It was pouring rain that morning and the bike ride to school is about 15 minutes). I felt a little sorry for her – but not sorry enough to actually bike with her to the school to help her carry her things and see her off. Of course I told myself I’d spend the bad-weather time writing a blog post, and totally didn’t. Anyhow – she said other kids kept asking her where her other bags were (many had 3 to 5 bags). I biked to where they were staying last Wednesday, because I wanted to check out that bike route and pop in to say hi (and have a good excuse to not write a blog post that day)
Hopefully that’ll one day be a blog post…

Our apartment is furnished, has lots of windows, but little lighting. Since we’ve been here, that’s worked out just fine. The long hours of daylight has meant that our apartment is bright and airy. But, the days are already getting shorter and daylight will eventually last only about 4 hours a day, so more lamps/lighting are essential.

Bare wooden floors makes for poor acoustics (and cold feet). So we’re keeping an eye out for 2nd hand area rugs. Last week we picked up a very big one a neighbor had just left on the street. This one cost 80dkk (google tells me this is 11.82 USD) I love google. And fully understand they will take over the world one day. But when I go down, I know I won’t be going alone. Google owns us all. Except possibly MBH. He was doing very well staying off the google radar until *I* signed up for some random keto diet online newsletter. Then HE started getting keto diet emails!! hahahahahaha. Sorry, my love. Also, yikes! that is super creepy.

The red bike bag. In great condition. One of the best bargains – 20DKK or $2.96 USD. New, these things cost $80 to $100.. As I bought the yellow bags new as a gift for MBH a few years ago. On an occasion that I *actually* remembered. Birthday or anniversary or Christmas. I’m terrible with gift giving occasions…except that time. I did alright.
One of the things on my loppemarked shopping list is a yoga mat. I asked MBH to keep an eye out, GBH (God Bless Him), he texted to tell me he’d found one, 10dkk ~$1.80 USD. I was so excited. But, as some may be able to tell, this isn’t actually a yoga mat – More of a camping sleeping pad. No matter, I’m going to try and use it anyway… (and keep my eye out for a yoga mat). At the very least we’ll have some floor padding for visitors (JUST the children, adults will get a bed, promise!)
Another excellent deal. YARN! For the youngest, who loves to knit thanks very much to my dear friend Lisa, who taught her (and gave her her first start up bag of needles and yarn). I don’t knit or sew. In fact, years and years ago, when I was about 12, my mom signed me up for an intro needlepoint class. I was about as disciplined then as I am now (which is to say Not.At.All) and after the class was over (6 or 8 weeks, I think), I had a sampler pillow that was about 1/4 finished. I remember very clearly asking the teacher when I should finish it and she said, well, at least in the next 5 years, ha ha ha. I laughed too, thinking “That’s silly, of course I’ll finish it in the next few months). Aaaaand guess what, I never finished that pillow. I’m sure the bag is still in my parents house somewhere. I also ask my youngest to repair my clothes, sew on my buttons (pathetic, I know). Which she does, happily. And as I’m typing this, I’m realizing I am totally taking advantage of her good nature, so henceforth I will be paying her for such tasks.
Anyhow, back to this new project. Green is her favorite color, this wool is a blend of alpaca and merino wool (SO SOFT, she says) and the whole bag was 40 dkk (5.91 USD).
You may notice there are commercially rolled balls of yarn and hand rolled balls of yarn. She’s unravelling two sweaters.
The seller of this bag of yarn had started a complicated sweater, stopped about 1/4 of the way through. Then started a less complicated sweater with the same yarn, and gave up on that one too. Then, after letting the bag of 2 unfinished sweaters and unused yarn sit around in her house for many years, decided to just sell it. I’m gonna take a wild guess that there are more folks out there besides myself and this seller who start awesome projects only to fairly quickly give up on them. The youngest is going to make socks (says that anything else is beyond her expertise, even with youtube video instruction. And has said more than once “I need Lisa for that). UPDATE: The youngest is going to NOT make socks – but a hat and cowl, or shawl, or hat and scarf. Thank you Lisa!!
And finally, the ugliest purchase of the day. Gummy Wrapper earrings. That’s the oldest flashing a peace sign. She would not consent to a picture of her wearing these. The seller was shocked she (anyone!) even wanted them and hadn’t prepared a price. 5dkk. Which the eldest paid.
I think this might be the *one* occasion in Danish people’s existence where price negotiation could have actually happened. Danes are quite direct and don’t bargain. Our understanding is they actually find it quite insulting. But in this case I think the oldest could have said “how about 2dkk?” and the seller would have agreed. And yes, we’re talking a difference of pennies here, but when I think about those earrings costing 1/4 the price of that awesome bike bag, I kind of cringe…So goes loppemarked shopping. The eldest says she’s planning her Halloween costume… to be junk food (She is the first to admit she is a junk and sugar food junkie) And for anyone judging me on this, trust me, we’re working on it…

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  1. I am also a trift/flea market junkie and I can not tell you how much I love this post. That being said, I miss our rambling conversations like this so much.
    So glad you are all having a good time and counting days till we can sit down with a cup of tea (or glass of wine) and talk face to face about your adventure.
    Living vicariously through you … thank-you!

  2. Enjoying immensely, Neely. Thanks. I’m living vicariously through you and yours. ALWAYS wanted to live in Europe with Kay and Ralph when they were coming along. Wonderful to see you diving into life inCopenhagen.
    Hugs to all,
    PS Yes, I’d like to be on your mailing list.

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