Our Last Forgotten Giant: Thomas On The Mountain

My 4th post of the week. For those keeping track, have no fear, I am not finished with the giants/trolls yet!! Because I still have to write about the 5 days I spent volunteering to help build a new one!!! But before doing that, I wanted to find the 7th giant: Thomas on the Mountain. […]

Rome, Copenhagen, and shenanigans galore.

You may be wondering “Where are the other 2 members of your immediate family?” or thinking “ok, kinda tired of seeing you and the youngest only, would love to see pics of the other 2 as well!” And you are not alone in these thoughts! The eldest has a very demanding social life – especially […]

Forgotten Giants continued: Little Tilde, Hilltop Trine, and Sleeping Louis

The first week of June the youngest and I found Little Tilde and Hilltop Trine. By this point Denmark had entered Phase 3 of re-opening and she and the oldest were back in school, in the classroom. She no longer had her 2 hour long lunch break. We had used the lunch break to look […]