First Day of School

Headed to school. I was hoping this wouldn’t be the only first day of school picture. (spoiler alert, it wasn’t) See that thing the youngest is holding on to and has her right foot on? It’s an amazing piece of bike infrastructure so you can stay on your bike seat. It’s the little things.

There is so much to blog about I now find myself thinking in blog mode constantly and adding to the growing list of blog post topics: Danbo cheese, Monday’s amazing day in Greve Strand, bike infrastructure, groceries in Copenhagen, and more) And then I go down rabbit holes that do not involve actually writing.

Like finding a new theme for the site. Apologies still for the current layout and formatting. I’m not really happy with this particular word press theme so started looking for one that will make this site more user friendly with more formatting options. It is entirely possible I just need to figure out how to use this one better.

But holy cow there are ENDLESS themes and options and I’m hoping to just decide already by the end of this week later. And for those who asked about getting email notification each time I post, I’m doing some research into that as well (ok, it was just one person, thank you Laura). But I’ll be working on that too.

So anyhow, back to the first day of school. I woke up with the sun about 5am and went for a walk. If I had been actually focused on the girls’ first day of school, I would have been thinking about making sure they had a nice breakfast and made sure to stock the fridge. But I wasn’t and we were out of all breakfast food: milk, bread, cheese, yogurt, cereal, eggs.

And time was running short. Fortunately, we have phones, and of course I remembered mine for my walk (can’t remember food for my children but I can remember my phone). So MBH called to ask if I was picking anything up and we decided it’d be quicker if he just biked up to the 24 hour netto (300m from our apt) to pick up the regular stuff + a few pastries (something Denmark is known for, that we hadn’t tried yet, and figured it’d be a nice first day of school treat).

MBH left for work about 7:30 (late for him).

The girls and I headed out about 7:50am.

It was a beautiful sunny day (it poured off and on all day yesterday, so glad that was yesterday and not today) and the girls were excited and a bit nervous but definitely trying to be as chill as possible about it.

The girls made the light. I did not. I figured they’d go on ahead and just expect me to catch up (they know the way), but bless their hearts, they pulled over to wait for me. (I didn’t get a picture of that – since I wasn’t expecting it and didn’t have my phone out)
Bike traffic jam! So.Much.Better. than car traffic jams.
Exceeept we didn’t make the light. Turns out it’s a very very quick one. Almost didn’t make it this time either. (But we did)
This is maybe 1/3 of the total bikes parked at the school. There was definitely a long car drop off line too. Biking is so much better (I know, I know, the weather is beautiful and perfect now, I’ll check back in about this in a few months)
Ok, fine, you can take a picture of us but please don’t take too long!
Wind Turbines. I never miss an opportunity to take a picture of them. This is from the front door of CIS.
They bicker, they fight, they have very different personalities. But when it’s the first day of school in a whole new country, they stick pretty close together.

After the welcome (this was middle school only), parents were invited to stick around for coffee and tea.

One thing (and there are many, already) I deeply appreciate about the school is that coffee and tea is served in ceramic mugs – not disposable mugs. The school is making a big effort on sustainability – in line with the whole country of Denmark, basically. It helps when the government and leaders and decision makers are all on board with reducing waste, carbon footprint, energy. And although I’d gotten to the point of avoiding many social gatherings in Rochester (job and anti-racism activism took a lot out of me – extrovert that I’ve been my whole life), if I/we are going to find community here, I’m going to have to make an effort. This was wise advice given to me by another 8th grade mom, Jessica. And CIS/the PTA are organizing tons of them (another thing I am very grateful for).

So I stayed, got a cup of coffee, and started looking around for folks not really chatting in a group yet. I don’t mind walking up to folks and just introducing myself (ok, so it kinda makes me nervous – less so if it’s not a group already connecting. And struck up conversation with Amr and Weaam. They just moved here from Cairo, Egypt and have two daughters – one in 8th grade and a high schooler. It was so wonderful connecting with them, chatting, and learning a little bit about Egypt (I am woefully ignorant). Amr works for the WHO and Weaam is a children’s book author.

We chatted for quite some time, then I headed out to my bike. In blog mode, and thankfully didn’t start looking for my keys. Because I would have gone into panic mode. Why? In all MY excitement for the first day of school. I had left them on my bike.

I was so excited about the first day of school (also probably in blog-mode) I forgot A) to lock my bike and B) my keys on my bike. And although Danish culture is very trusting and rule-following. Bike theft is common. Hopefully it will become less common for me to A) leave my keys on my bike and B) forget to lock the bike.

I headed home and on the way was lost in thought about a) this blog b) the triathlon next summer I want to train for (with a road bike? or a tri bike?) when I had to stop suddenly because a bus was stopped and passengers were getting off (they get off into the bike lanes and bikes must stop). I tried to be cool and practice balancing on my bike, but quickly had to put my right foot down. It landed on a crack in the bike lane, my ankle gave way and…

I fell over.

Very embarrassing. Fortunately, it was past bike rush hour and I didn’t take anyone else down with me. That would have been much much worse. Everyone was really kind and asked if I was ok and helped me up. I have a sore right wrist, sore right hip, and sore right ankle. But am otherwise fine.

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    1. Aw, thanks! if you ever want to share any [constructive] feedback, please feel free to do so. I have thick skin and want to make this fun and worthwhile for folks interested in it…

  1. Love your thoughts and fun stories Neely. Sounds like you all are adjusting well. Feel better soon. And, maybe a stretchy band for your keys (like an old phone cord), so you can wear like a bracelet 🙂

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